Jindai Sugi


※ The product of the image is a sample. The actual product is a slightly different material, specification, processing, size etc. are slightly different.

"Mysterious / Mystery"
Kamiyu Sugi is a rare cedar tree that has been sleeping in the ground from the old days, and the English name "Cedar" comes from a seminar that means spiritual power.

Woody aroma is never stronger, beyond the time of the time of good morning. Please try to hear the mysterious smell that can be made as long as you can listen to the sound of the wind. You will feel quiet and somewhat soft nostalgia and ugliness.

By feeling slowly and noble scent from the incense burner, you feel that you feel the tension and anxiety and lead it to a clean heart by feeling slowly.

■ Content volume: 6g (for 10 to 15 times)
■ Materials: Kamiyu cedar (domestic)
■ Science name
: Lignitized Japanese Cedar
■ Material cooperation: Nakagawa Mokougei Kobo
