Aomori Hiba


※ The product of the image is a sample. The actual product is a slightly different material, specification, processing, size etc. are slightly different.

"Warm / warm"
CUL DE SAC-JAPON (Caldesac Japon) is carefully selected and carefully selected Deep Oil Wood (Deep Oil Wood).

Aomori Hava, which will grow slowly while enduring the snow, is a vitality tree that continues to grow even under the extremely cold.

By immersing the chip of Aomori Hiba in Aomori Hiva essential oil, you can cry the attractiveness of the condensed hiver. The fragrant refreshing and powerful aroma that has been fumigated in the incense burner will reset the feeling and lead to a wonderful mind.

■ Content volume: 20 g (10 to 15 minutes)
■ Materials: Hiba essential oil, Aomori Hiba (domestic)
■ Science name
: Thujopsis Dolabrata
Material cooperation: Cul de SAC-japon (Caldesac Japon)
